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NEWS 2019

LEADING GROUP OF THE WORLD, NIH GROUP was selected by BLUEWIN CO., LTD. as the Best Business Partner of this year 2019.

Thank you so much for NIH Group

2019. FEB

FINE INC. Has been exported to overseas, earned US$20million, and was awarded a Export trophy by the Government of the Republic of Korea. We are continued getting growing & growing. Thank you for all our valued customers.

2019. MARCH

Large-sized equipment,

ELODE SYSTEMs are the spotlight. In 2019, a total of 30 sets or more of equipment will be provided to World wide.

2019. APR

157th the world ranking,

and FINE INC. Have signed an exclusive contract to supply ELODE SYSTEM to apply for China SLUDGE reduction, recycling and resources the amount of US$ 18 million.

ELODE system will be a leading best system for Sludge Dewatering & Reduction project.

2019. MAY

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